Final Project Idea: Theater Thoughts

31 Mar 2020


The problem: Some people might want to watch a movie or play with a group of people, or are thinking about watching a movie or play and want to know what those who have seen it think before deciding whether to actually watch it.

The solution: Theater Thoughts is an application that allows users to set up group watching times where people can sign up to watch currently playing movies or plays, as well as read what other people’s reviews and ratings


For this app, you must find a way to present currently playing movies or plays, the locations they are playing, and the times that they are playing.

It should also provide a way for users to post a review of a movie that they have seen, and read what others have posted. They should also be able to filter by movie genre.

Users should also be able to create events for watching a certain movie or play and allow other users to sign up to watch it as a group.

Mock-up pages might include:

Use Case Ideas

Beyond the Basics